Friday, 8 March 2013

KTN Tujuane Show Episode 12 - Blind date turns nasty

On being a classy lady....or not....

Ladies, ladies, ladies......I saw this today and I really had no words for in, is she for real??  Fakeness to the extreme! What on earth?! Tennis? Fencing?! Girl please, do you even know what fencing is? Single-handedly giving Kenyan chiquittas a bad need to be severely dealt with!

Get real! There's nothing worse than someone who thinks they know everything and really can't even begin to understand anything they're talking about.

On patriotism and appreciating your roots......

For starters, if God wanted everybody to be the same, He would've created us that way. Different skin colours, languages, cultures and traditions are exceedingly important; our diversity as the Human race is what makes us so beautiful. Think about it this way: imagine that every bird on the planet was of the same species or family. What would it be like if everybody around the globe woke up to exactly the same sound of singing birds every morning? No harmonies, surprise solos or any other such like. Just one uniform sound. Boring!!!! Even choir masters know that, that's why choirs sing in parts. (duh!)

So in her refusal to speak in her native language (she even challenged the poor unsuspecting guy about it), this here chiqqa has basically dissed her entire culture and background. So much for patriotism. How much can you really love your country or your roots if you refuse to speak your language and belittle those who do? Rubbish, I tell you. Let me introduce you to my newest life motto:

You are what you spew.
Here are some prime examples of people you may have heard of putting my motto to good use:

 #ChrisBrown “Can I get your number? I promise I won't beat you!”

#ParisHilton“Gay guys are the horniest people in the world ... they're disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS."

#MikeTyson “I was a prostitute hunter.”

#MariahCarey: "Whenever I watch TV and see all the pictures of those poor starving kids, I can't help but cry. I mean I would love to be that thin, but not with all those flies and death and stuff."

#JessicaSimpson: "Tuna? Is that some kind of chicken?"
**They walk among us. Some of them even reproduce.**

In other words, garbage comes out because only garbage was input in the first place. My good people, this is one of those cases where you are advised to learn from other's mistakes. Please do not allow yourself to be caught up in these embarrassing scenarios. Style up before the any permanent damage is done!

Famous physicist quotes: Sir Isaac Newton

Be a patriotic circle among the squares. :-)

Have a great one! ;-)

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Dare to be different....

A HIGHLY misleading statement indeed. In a world where everything is supposedly acceptable and yet everyone is judged for being who they are or wearing what's not on trend, how exactly do you dare to be different?

If you saw this.......
Or this.........

Walking down the street, would you judge their appearance? Be honest now, ladies, especially.....ok, I do admit the second one is a bit cray-cray. Not the greatest look. Still, to each his

Its very easy to pass judgement on someone or something you barely know. I for one, am extremely prone to this. But I'm slowly learning to put myself in the other person's shoes. As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

On the subject of beauty.....

Let me introduce you to the world's most beautiful women.

And if you don't look like any of them, or at least aspire to, you're doomed. Like, seriously.
So for all those doomed, lost souls out there, this is your Beauty 101 course checklist:
#1. A ridiculously fake weave that will 
a) be poorly maintained,
b) start to smell like a pair of gym socks after the 3 months you've insisted on, and 
c) make us all wonder whether the horse whose tail you stole will ever have a hope of growing it back.
#2. China doll makeup and red lipstick that makes you look like a black cartoon straight off the pages of an Asterix comic book.
#3. This one is a must do for all the wanna-be divas out there. The cheap, painfully fake labels. See examples below for further guidance: 

#4. You really must attempt to strike a pose for the camera. It is imperative that you have that picture-perfect pout ready at all times. Like so:

#5. This one is another must have: cancer-causing skin lighteners...

Now that's what I call making an effort. Quick question: what is it with black girls and the fable that 'lighter is more beautiful'? Anyway, that's a discussion for another day.
#6. Smaller is always better. In fact, if the clothes just don't fit you at all, you're headed in the right direction.

On a more serious note, this, to me, is the world's most beautiful girl. Her name is Lizzie Velasquez. This is her. 

She's 22 years old. No one ever believed Lizzie would ever see her 10th birthday. She suffers from a rare disease that prevents her from gaining any weight no matter what she eats and also slowly destroys her functional organs (she has now almost completely lost sight in her right eye). This brave girl is one of my greatest inspirations. She truly is a leading light to all those who are bullied and picked on for their 'different-ness'. Admittedly, I'm not Lady Gaga's biggest fan, but the lyrics of one her songs did stick with me:

I'm beautiful in my way,
'Coz God makes no mistakes,
I'm on the right track, baby,
I was born this way.

Don't lose yourself in regret,
Just love yourself and your set 
I'm on the right track, baby,
I was born this way.

My personal opinion? Don't dwell on the physical too long. Not to sound all gloom and doom, but you're only on this earth for a short time, and when you're gone, it won't be about what you wore, it'll be about the kind of person you were. The best way to stand out and be different is to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Not arrogance! There is a fine line between the two! 

Today's Famous Physicist Quotes: Albert Einstein

Dare to be a circle among the squares. Have a great one ;-)